Car Sales DownI suppose for many, the news that
domestic car sales dropped last quarter could be cause for concern. However, considering that the sales that dropped the most for Ford were SUVs and big trucks, I don't see much wrong with such news. I'm no economist, but I like to hear Americans are reigning in their spending, especially considering that American net spending dropped to 0 % last year and that a coming fuel shortage looms in the too near future.
American households own multiple cars, on average. I've never understood the train of the thought to purchase a new car when the value declines so sharply year after year. A home is a smart investment because with a few yearly repairs, your home not only maintains its value, but oftentimes, the value increases significantly after a few decades. Your car, if it survives, is worth little after one decade. Knowing this, why do so many purchase brand new cars, when so many cars are available used?
For those that live close to work or school and don't need to haul a group of kids around, walking and biking make good alternative means of transportation. Reducing gas usage hurts Arab terrorists and it gets some much needed exercise.
Car sales may be down, but what about bike sales?