Bin Laden wants us to think Arab Americans Like Kerry
Surprisingly, he's wrong.
*update* Tim Bayly reminds us who the foreign leaders are that endorse Kerry. Osama is the first one to pipe up and claim Kerry.
"The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them." Hosea 14:9b
Bin Laden wants us to think Arab Americans Like Kerry
Quotes of the Week
Kerry's Stepping into Hot Water
Quote of the Week
Even Putin Wants Bush
Leftists Hate Guns
"Constitutions are checks upon the hasty action of the majority. They are the self-imposed restraints of a whole people upon a majority of them to secure sober action and a respect for the rights of the minority." --William Howard Taft
"Do not expect justice where might is right." --Plato
"The dangers of a concentration of all power in the general government of a confederacy so vast as ours are too obvious tobe disregarded." --President Franklin Pierce
I'm Back
"When the president of the United States...launches a "new initiative," it may be assumed to have come from an old book. That explains partly why American officials support the current frenzied revisionism of history: new generations should never suspect the true origins of those initiatives. All the more reason for the rest of us to be constantly aware of the system that awaits at the other end of the road."
If Gloria Steinem Likes Him, He Must Be Really Bad
Bush Made Right Decision
Cheney Wasn't Impressed
The American People Haven't Won, John #2
Life or Death: Who Decides?
While I consider myself both a strong Christian and an avid pro-lifer, my opinion shifted a bit after reading the original article. The little girl's breathing keeps stopping. To me, this sounds like God's way of ending a sad life that from the hospital's point of view is also a painful one. The family sounds like they are hanging on for their own sake and are not concerned with whether their baby is indeed suffering because of their decision to prolong her life.
While I do sympathize with parents loathful to lose their daughter, I can also sympathize with these hospital employees who wish to stop future resucitation attempts. If I was a nurse and saw a pitiful little baby who was suffering, but was brought back to life (through artificial means) every time she stopped breathing, I might talk to a higher-up to see if there was something that could be done.
I think the heart of this issue goes to how much control a parent should have over a child. While I am one to give parent's most responsibility, I also want some sort of avenue to be in place to stop situations of abuse and neglect, of which this story might belong. It's hard to say; the news article might be biased to the hospital. It sounds to me though, as if the parents are doing everything they can to cheat death, which is God's way of bringing that little girl back home to him.
I agree with others who have commented: prayer is in order. May His will be done.
Free Speech not just for Zones
"Along with striking down a speech code that banned, among other things, “insults,” “ridicule,” and “personal attacks,” Judge Cummings determined that a university policy requiring students to get prior permission before engaging in even casual free expression was not sufficiently “narrowly tailored” to be enforced against students at this public university."
News that Needs to Be Spread
Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans. They demonstrate that Saddam's government possessed mustard gas and anthrax, both considered weapons of mass destruction, in the summer of 2000, during the period in which United Nations weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. And the papers show that Iraq trained dozens of terrorists inside its borders.
Boycott Proctor & Gamble
Kerry the General?
This is not a military dictatorship. The President makes the decision to go to war, after consulting with Congress. He may even approve or veto specific military strategies. But he does not write the war plan – the Pentagon does that.
Missing From Action
Bush Still the Right Man for the Job
"We cannot forget that the terrorists remain determined to kill as many Americans as possible, both abroad and here at home, and would like nothing more than to use the world’s most deadly weapons against us. With such an enemy, no negotiated peace is possible; no policy of containment or deterrence will prove effective.