Worshiping a Man
These people are sick. As you scroll down, look at the chart offering ways to save money. These crazy people, while we must commend them for their commitment, are missing the point. Well, number one, I doubt many people are going to follow their advice, calculate their saved money, write a check for $100 and mail it to Dean. Number two, if people are so poor that they have to save for weeks to send a check to Dean, they shouldn't be blowing their money on a primary candidate who has little chance of getting through, let alone beating Bush in the national election. Finally, what steams me is that these people, these self-named "Deaniacs" would probably never consider giving that money to a church, a starving family, or a crisis pregnancy center trying to help poor women so they don't have abortions.
I want Bush to win the election, but I would never suggest ways poor people can help him out financially. And before I would ever donate money to a candidate, I would be sure I was a) giving to my church family b) helping those in need personally c) giving to good causes, especially pro-life ones.
Could anything be much more repulsive? Well, yes, there also exists a website called Kids for Dean. Kids do not understand politics. Having probably never read a Constitution, in most cases, the parents have fanagled the children into donning Dean tee-shirts as a weak attempt to gain adult sympathy for Dean's campaign. What's really sad is that because of Dean's term in government, Vermont now has some of the most lax abortion laws and some of the highest abortion rates in the country. (You have to scroll to page six to read about Dean's pro-abortion mission). Maybe if he hadn't been intent on letting so many kids die, he'd have more supporters.