Open to Open Theism
Finally a good
article on Open Theism, to which I subscribe as a Christian.
God can know the future, but as a compassionate god, he can change his mind and alter his plan. Why else would we have prayer? A good example of His flexibility is seen in Jesus' first miracle. His mother explains the situation about the wine running out and Jesus responds, seemingly angrily, by saying that his time has not yet come. Yet, he went ahead and replenished the banquet's wine supply nevertheless. My God is a flexible, loving god.
I tend to think of God functioning somewhat as the guy in the Matrix who stays back for program support while the others enter the Matrix. When a problem occurs, the team calls upon this character (I forget his name) and he quickly types in an alternate solution in the program for them.
Yes, God has a plan for us. But because Satan also has a malicious plan for us, we sometimes stray quite far from God's will for us. What do we do when we're in trouble? We finally call out to God asking him to deliver us from the bad choices we or someone else made for us. Yet being the loving God he is, he'll quickly make a new plan for us and get us back on our way.
Now that's a cool God.