Cherry's Blog

"The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them." Hosea 14:9b

Monday, September 29, 2003

Globalization Rocks

My friend Luke Phillips granted me permission to share his wonderful defense of global capitalism.

For more satisfying enjoyment, peruse over a cup of Starbucks coffee.

Mr. Phillips writes:

Most importantly, when I say “global capitalism” I don’t mean that U.S. companies should relocate abroad. I mean the people of India must start their own businesses. That’s the only path to prosperity. Their entrepreneurs must reap the profits as their workers earn the wages. The must develop their own technologies, create their own industries, satisfy their own needs, and pursue their own dreams. We cannot transplant our efficiency into their economy. They must do it themselves. That is what global capitalism means, and so it is the very opposite of imperialism.

Occasionally the United States and other developed countries, out of benevolence, have shipped tons of surplus food to developing countries. The results have almost always been disastrous. Except in emergency cases of famine, the food shipments do more harm than good. How? Ask yourself this: Why would a farmer grow more rice if crates of it were floating ashore every day? Why would you send your children to medical school when well-meaning Western doctors were parachuting in like manna from heaven? Thankfully, the U.S. has put aside its conscience-soothing program of global welfare and opened its eyes to the crippling effects of our high-minded humanity. This proves that we are not imperialists. If we were, we would crave the dependency of other nations and do everything possible to keep them as vulnerable accessories, enslaved in bitter gratitude.

The fact that the work of cultivating economic efficiency is best done locally is exactly why it doesn’t get done. Typically, third world governments consist of cadres of feudal lords whose only goal is to enforce the status quo. In most cases they have all the power, and the only way to foment revolution would be to depose the tyrants and start from the ground up. We did it in the U.S. when we kicked out the British. But we had a head-start because of all the natural resources of the New World. We still don’t know exactly how to help less developed countries evolve (which would be an unequivocal benefit to us, as we would have more trading partners and since all countries will inevitably produce some goods more efficiently than we can at home, we could buy cheaper goods from abroad). So our fault is the result of our ignorance, not our indifference.

Feel better about globalism? I do.

I apologize to any faithful readers who visited a blogspot that had not been updated. I was in Tuscon last week, which was fine, because I had a laptop with me and a room with internet connection. The only problem was my little trip to the Southwest was sabotaged by a visit from a freak hurricane. Thus, no working internet connection.

Another reason I steer clear of anything Hollywood.

Way to go, Texas!

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Edward Fudge, in his family notes email, brings attention to the following:

Ben Glison, Jr., former treasurer of Enron, is now in federal prison for criminal financial/accounting misdeeds. The news media did not reveal that he and his family are long-time members of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Nassau Bay, a suburb of Houston, that Mr. Glison pleaded guilty because of repentance and remorse for wrongdoing, that his 3,000-member church family is supporting him now by prayer and concern for his family, or that his mother, a longtime gracEmail subscriber who grew up, as did Edward, in Limestone County, Alabama, will appreciate your prayers for her son, his wife and their young children.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

A gentleman named Sean Palmer has started a new blog that you might find worth checking. He presents his blogspot as:

The Palmer Perspective is a new venture, set out in the hopes that this will be a place to unearth the relics of goodness and pleasure of our Lord on earth. Like most westerners, I have seen all the harm and evil that vast technologies like the Internet can create--or rather illuminate--and desire an oasis of goodness. A place where those who seek wonderment and faithfulness can find respite from a world retreating from the pleasures only our Lord can provide.

My hope is for people to be drawn nearer to whom they were created to be--a truer version of themselves. Let's enjoy the journey together.

Christians in the Public Square

Mac Thomason over at War Liberal seems to have a problem with students who, through their own volition, pray around flagpoles outside of school.

He writes:

I'm extremely disturbed at what's happening to religion in our country. I don't have anything in particular against people making religion part of their public lives. But this represents everything wrong with the current religious climate. First, the tie of God to nation, trying to make religion and patriotism inseparable. Second, the continued inability to differentiate between faith and symbol. I don't want to get into the theory and practice of idolatry right now, but they're coming awfully close. What's next, stone circles?

I'll admit that I'm not quite sure how a Christian should behave in public. On one hand, Jesus said to his listening audience during his 'Sermon on the Mount', "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6:6). On the other hand, Peter and John, when brought before the Sanhedrin and told to be quiet about their faith responded, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." (Acts 4:19-20).

So it seems that our actions, whether public or private, should be done with the intent of honoring God and spreading His good news to those who need it.

Still, it bothers me that War Liberal and others see Christians as pagan idol worshipers trying to cram Christianity down everyone's throats.

If that is how outsiders perceive us, perhaps Christians should rethink their public display of prayer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Can Your Minister Be A Homosexual?

An article worth reading by Jeremy Reynalds

How to Avoid the Post-Honeymoon Slump

"It seems that couples often experience a time of gloominess in the months following their honeymoon. Is this slump preventable? It is if you abide by the following principles...."


"The Bible is like a telescope. If a man looks through his
telescope, then he sees worlds beyond; but if he looks at
his telescope, then he does not see anything but that. The
Bible is a thing to be looked through, to see that which is
beyond." --Phillips Brooks

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Shifting Focus

For the last few days my heart has just not felt like blogging much. It is easy for me to get caught up in day to day news, perceiving the actions of political parties to be life altering, but I must remember they are not.

For Christians, our focus is to be three-fold. Our primary effort should be to follow Christ's decree that we go into all the world baptizing those who are lost. In Matthew 25 Jesus also gives us another purpose: to meet the physical needs of those who are suffering in the world. As a third focus, the books following the Gospels lead us to our church family, instructing us to fellowship with believers and not to become entangled in the world's mindset that the here and now is what is important.

These three focuses of a Christian do not always jive with that of a conservative blogger who enjoys politics. Yet oftentimes political proceedings directly contribute to the suffering of those in the world, and to this end, I will continue to blog. In the future, I hope my focus is more on helping those who are hurting by drawing attention to their cause while shifting focus to our Savior than it is on keeping tabs on the politicos in Washington.

We never know when He will return, but I hope I am not in the middle of a blog attacking a Democrat and that instead I am meeting the physical or spiritual needs of one of His children.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Winners and Losers in the Global Economy

A balanced view of global capitalism with a Christian twist: this view of capitalism does not just consider trade only, but instead considers the socio-economic effect trade has on the people of the world.

"We are, after all, humans connected to other humans, and trade is only one of the ties."

Yet globalism, as my economist friend promptly instructed me, is the way to tie humans together and help those who are suffering. If my friend allows, I will reprint his explanation in a future posting.

Apparently he didn't think this book was "balanced" but was instead unfairly hostile to the idea that globalism is the panacea for the world's poor and hungry. He convinced me.

Friday, September 12, 2003

The Federalist notes some of the Bush administration's military achievements:

For all of the Left's ranting over the failures of the war on
terrorism, here is what they themselves have failed to acknowledge:
the liberation of two dictatorships in as many years; the largest
restructuring of government since WWII with the creation of the
Department of Homeland Security; the dismantling of al-Qa'ida
as a centrally organized, cohesive fighting force; the capture
of 42 of the 55 most-wanted Saddamite Ba'athists; the severance
of diplomatic ties with Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat; the
significant efforts aimed at containing North Korean and Iranian
nuclear proliferation; the counterinsurgency operations against
Islamic terrorists in the Philippines; and early successes in
the development of an ICBM shield for the U.S. and its allies.
Clearly, these results are nothing to scoff at -- even if you
are a candidate in the '04 Democrat presidential primary.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Tom Brokaw, Diane Sawyer, and Howard Stern??

Press Release from the Family Research Council:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Family Research Council (FRC) today called on Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael Powell to explain his agency's classification of the Howard Stern radio show as "news programming."

Howard Stern's bosses at Infinity Broadcasting had asked the FCC to label Stern's show a "bona fide news interview" program so that it could avoid the "equal time" campaign finance requirements that are attached to entertainment programs. Now Stern can have Arnold Schwarzenegger as a
guest without having to provide time for the other candidates in the California recall election.

The FCC has previously ruled that programs such as "Jerry Springer" and "Sally Jessy Raphael" are also "news programs."

"This FCC has taken its abysmal record on enforcing indecency violations to a whole new low by giving Howard Stern's pornographic program the label 'news,'" said FRC President Tony Perkins.

"Howard Stern's show is disgusting. From encouraging 12 year-old boys to engage in sex acts with older women, to showcasing intoxicated strippers and ridiculing the mentally ill, this program is the worst that American entertainment has to offer. Does it really deserve to be equated with "Nightly News" and "20/20"?

"The FCC should be finding a way to take Howard Stern off the air, not giving his show the dignity and respect it has now bestowed upon it," said FRC's Perkins.

Daddy wasn't there...

The following is from my aunt's reporter-friend. I thought it would be nice comic relief for this solemn day.

The weekend's birth announcements found their way to the Town Talk
this morning, and Samantha Sykes of Winnfield has delivered twin
daughters. Now, the space set aside for the father's name has been
left blank. So you know Samantha's babies' daddy probably told her,
"They ain't mine. I dont want no part of this. Don't you go puttin'
my name on that damned birth announcement, and don't you tell
nobody, either."

Maybe Samantha knows all about double negatives, that when literally
translated, they mean the opposite of the speaker's sentiments. Then
again, maybe I'm giving Samantha too much credit. But I will give her a lot of credit in the creative category -- she surely found a way around this little "father unknown."

Her twins' names? Bryantina Destiny Sikes and Bryanteisha Faith Sykes.

Can you guess her babies' daddy's name? Well, at least his first name.

Then in steps Jodi the cynic. (OK, so I'm not much better.) Jodi's the clerk for Features, the person who types these birth announcements into the system.

"Bryantina and Bryanteisha?" she exclaimed. "Well, there's probably
two others at home named Jasonetta and Jefferyana."

And that's the REAL news for the Town Talk for today.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Singing California's Tune:

"Way out in California there/ Are fruits and nuts most everywhere,/
Which may be why things aren't so great/ These days within the
Golden State./ The state debt now is in the billions,/ While
illegals number millions./ High taxes, regulations -- these/
Are why so much of business flees./ The state has seen a better
day./ Skies once so blue are Davis gray,/ While o'er the state
there hangs a pall/ Whose only cure is a recall./ Which is why
the friends of Davis/ Now are praying 'God, please save us.'/
The odds are, though, they pray too late/ For Gray's about to get
the gate./ But if he goes keep this in mind/ When day is done
here's what they'll find:/ Though they have done what best them
suits/ They'll still be run by nuts and fruits." --Lyn Nofziger
(AKA Joy Skilmer)

I wish all my English Professors Could Have Read This:

Barren Lives Without Literature

"Before social studies, feminist studies, gay studies and even
labor-union studies became trendy subjects for their own sake,
exploiting great literature to make political points, the great
books planted the seed for contemplating the human condition. But
sometime over the last century, the literary tree of knowledge
was struck by lightning. Its branches grew distorted limbs that
appealed to messages without transcendence. Critical interpretation
driven by ideology became more important than understanding with
an open mind. Our political life is barren for it. It's mere
conceit now that the U.S. Senate is a repository of eloquence
and rhetoric; rare indeed is the senator who can make a speech to
keep anyone awake....Arnold Weinstein, a professor of literature
at Brown University, agrees that the study of literature suffers
in the groves of academe because it lacks empirical and pragmatic
facts. These are precisely the reasons students ought to study
literature. Literature is important because it's not bound up
in the issues of law, medicine, science, or business. He urges
students no matter what career they plan to enter to take courses
in literature because this is where they will find inspiration
for the spirit and education for the soul." --Suzanne Fields

Were you Bored Last Night? Were You Looking for a Good Laugh?

Should have watched the Democratic presidential candidate debate. These guys are Saturday Night Live material if I've ever seen any.

Conservative Observer notes....

All of them, but each in his own degree, proved they know how to ignore the question actually asked and answer another they like better. All of them painted poor GW as some kind of weird cross between Hitler and Attila the Hun. All of them attacked the Patriot Act and John Ashcroft as though the latter had turned Justice into the Gestapo.

Two of them harped on the Democrat lie that blacks had been denied the opportunity to vote in Florida. .... Lieberman twice hammered at that in outrage, while Sharpton mentioned it once.

John Kerry, war hero - woops, anti-war fan of Uncle Ho and Boston Brahmin - woops, Boston Irish - woops, East European Jew, looked old and wooden. And usually sounded more evasive than any of the others.

Kucinich was the least evasive and most forthright. Also, he was the only one to actually stop talking when his time ran out. He always did that. They never did.

Al Sharpton had his most amusing moments when he responded to LaRouchie hecklers who kept popping up in the audience.

He's Glad We Went to Iraq, But....

It should have been done constitutionally.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

"And Thou Shalt Raise Their Taxes..."

Grey Lady Has a Bias

Antioch Road points out a striking difference between the New York Times and the Washington Post.

A comforting reminder of God's ability to forgive sinners like me.

Some comments on faith

Brennan Manning, in Ragamuffin Gospel, writes:

Faith means you want God and want to want nothing else......In faith there is movement and development. Each day somehting is new. To be Christian, faith has to be new, that is, alive and growing. It cannot be static, finished and settled. When Scripture, prayer, worship, ministry become routine, they are dead.....If our faith is going to be criticized, let it be for the right reasons. Not because we are too emotional but because we are not emotional enough; not because our passions are so powerful but because they are so puny; not because we are too affectionate but because we lack a deep, passionate, uncompromising affection for Jesus Christ." (p. 161-162)

Got Faith?

Be Pro-Homosexual or Leave

My alma mater just can't keep her hands out of controversies, especially those of the free speech notoriety. This time, Indiana Univeristy punished a professor (they recently retracted, however) for posting topics that are not pro-homosexual (neither are they blatantly anti-homosexual) on his personal blog-page on the University server. Professor Rasmusen's postings on homosexuality are part of an on-going discussion between him, Professor Eugene Volokh, and Professor Lawrence Solum. The IDS reported on this case earlier.

Side note: this is why I am a free speech absolutist. Whenever our society accepts that some speech should be illegal, leftist bigwigs start taking away the speech of their opponents. Leftists, who rarely have any semblance of a leg to stand on, commonly use unethical tactics to promote their ideas. Rather than have a rational, balanced argument (a leftist never agrees to a debate unless the moderator is a registered Democrat, Socialist or Greenie), leftists employ personal war, attacking names and people through gestapo-esque means. One of their favorite tactics is to take speech away from their opponent.

Some letters to the editor on the subject can be found here. The last letter is written by my conservative comrade, Scott Tibbs. Mr. Tibbs has already received vicious emails (note that these leftists directed the letters to his personal email address as opposed to a debate forum such as a newspaper).

For those of you who would like to read Professor Rasmusen's blog yourselves, his University blog can be found here. Due to the University's discriminatory harassment, Mr. Rasmusen has since moved his blog to another location.

So what got Mr. Rasmusen into such hot water? Because he reported on an opinion poll showing that most Americans think homosexual relations should be illegal and his discussion of whether homosexual teachers are more dangerous than heterosexual ones. I could not find any personal call for abrogation of homosexuality or any denunciation of it, but if he had, he would have been fine in doing so. I, too, agree that homosexuality is a deviant lifestyle and in my opinion should be classified as a mental illness.

There is no reason why Mr. Rasmusen should not be allowed to discuss homosexuality on his weblog. Period. I don't care what he says in his postings. Whatever happened to the free marketplace of ideas John Stewart Mill cleverly prescribed? Discussion of ideas is beneficial. It is never better to stop discussion. Society only suffers when we put an end to free discussion of ideas. What do homosexuals have to fear anyway?

This is the real issue: Leftists don't have good arguments and if we discuss the merits of their "arguments", they will lose public support for their ideas. Thus, for them, discussion must be avoided at all costs. In addition, as mentioned a few posts earlier,

Since Senate Democrats can't sell their liberal political agenda to the American people, they see courts packed with judicial activists as their best opportunity," ---Family Research Council's Tony Perkins.

Leftists don't fight fair because they can't. They have no case.

Monday, September 08, 2003

President Bush comments on pansy countries again:

I recognize that not all of our friends agreed with our decision to enforce the Security Council resolutions and remove Saddam Hussein from power. Yet we cannot let past differences interfere with present duties. Terrorists in Iraq have attacked representatives of the civilized world, and opposing them must be the cause of the civilized world. Members of the United Nations now have an opportunity -- and the responsibility -- to assume a broader role in assuring that Iraq becomes a free and democratic nation.

(from Address of the President to the Nation--The Cabinet Room)

This is an old article, but it is such a must-read that I am posting it here.

Vin Suprynowicz may be my favorite columnist yet. Read part of his article and tell me his bold writing isn't refreshing reading.

Ah. So a police officer who shoots a bank robber during the commission of his crime has committed murder -- has killed an innocent person, since the robber "hadn't been convicted of anything in a court of law." Interesting.

This is evil, dangerous and pernicious nonsense, a political masked battery hiding behind a gentle-sounding "let's not use offensive hate-speech" euphemism.

"Undocumented worker" is a euphemism purposely designed to create the impression the person in question has merely neglected to go downtown and finish filling out a few forms. In fact, an illegal alien is here illegally, and by law should and must be rounded up and deported, and the refusal of our Hispanic visitors of June 4 to acknowledge or embrace this principle despite my repeated requests that they do so surely reveals their true agenda.

More about the tax resister and the court that agreed she could.

Okay, all of you "Ahneld for Guvner" supporters out there. This article gives sufficient reasons why Arnold isn't the best choice for California. It also gives a good econ lesson, explaining why California is in the hole if the first place. Hint: It has to do with spending money you don't have.

Possibly the most veracious quote of the week:

Since Senate Democrats can't sell their liberal political agenda to the American people, they see courts packed with judicial activists as their best opportunity," ---Family Research Council's Tony Perkins.

Federal Court Orders Shippensburg University Not To Enforce “Unconstitutional” Speech Code
FIRE’s Lawsuit To Proceed

Shippensburg University’s vague and overbroad speech code mandates that student speech should not “provoke, harass, intimidate, or harm another.” The code also outlaws certain thoughts by requiring that “every member of the community” mirror the official views of the university administration “in their attitudes and behaviors.” U. S. District Judge John E. Jones III held that “these provisions could certainly be used to truncate debate and free expression by students.”

Friday, September 05, 2003

A great posting regarding animal activist terrorism.

Finally! A Congressman wanting to cut spending!

Wow, this woman must be really depressed. I pity her. She must have been in some pretty bad relationships.

Marriage, [Laura Kipnis] suggests, belongs on the junk heap of human folly. It is an equal-opportunity oppressor, trapping men and women in a life of drudgery, emotional anesthesia, and a tug-of-war struggle to balance vastly different needs.

I agree that marriage can resemble those attributes if it strays from God's ideal. Yes, men and women are different, but their differences were designed to be complementary. When women ignore those differences and try to be just like a man, earning a paycheck and shirking motherly and wifely duties, of course marriages are going to be crumby. Selfish people make horrible partners.

I would suggest that Kipnis take a looksie (well, a good LONG looksie) at Gary Thomas' book, Sacred Marriage.
Marriages can be indescribably satisfying if both people give it a good Christian effort. If not, well, divorce or perpetual dissatisfaction is in store for those who try to find fulfilment from another partner without giving of themselves.

My English Setter is named after this man, but I can say I wasn't the one who named him. Listen to Harrison Ford's recent ignorant statement:

"I'm very troubled by the proliferation of arms, at the fact so many people in the United States carry guns. It obviously contributes greatly to the crime problems we have. I'm sure gun laws should be strengthened in the United States. I just don't know the correct mechanism." --Harrison Ford on "crime problems"

How quaint. It obviously contributes greatly to the crime problems we have? What about the impact Roe v. Wade had on our society's disrespect for life? What about the 60's movement that preached self gratification as the highest power? What about all the kids who grew up without a dad and their moms lived off welfare? Guns don't fire without a reason.

I'll say it again: Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Another brilliant Howard Dean comment:

"I think my message is a centrist message and is where most Americans are. I don't expect Democrats or Republicans to accept that yet.

So most Americans aren't Democrats or Republicans? I thought those were the two main parties for some reason.

Interesting tidbit embedded in a Bush Cheney '04 email I recently received:

This week President Bush met with a dozen Mississippi Democrats that switched to the Republican Party during his presidency. Leading the group was Mississippi Lieutenant Governor Amy Tuck who became a Republican in 2002 after she increasingly saw the Democrat leadership at odds with her principles.

President Bush's decisive leadership continues to attract a growing number of independents and Democrats to the Republican Party. At least 85 Democrats have become Republicans since President Bush was elected to office.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Do women make better managers than men?

Edward Fudge offers more insight on the ten Commandments debacle:

Several lower federal courts have found displays of the Ten Commandments unconstitutional when the Commandments were specifically displayed but constitutional when inconspicuously found in combination with other, purely-secular symbols or artifacts.

Such reasoning offers no real comfort to Christians of conviction, for it says in effect that governmental displays of religion are justified only when they are meaningless. The federal courts have applied this concept, sometimes called "ceremonial deism," in approving a variety of practices considered lacking in religious content but hallowed by historical usage. Examples of such "ceremonial deism" include prayers in Congress and at inaugurations, the national motto ("In God We Trust") and the use of Bibles for administering oaths in court.

How ironic it would be if Alabama Chief Justice Moore's monument -- which he says he installed as an act of absolute piety and devotion to God -- should finally be approved on the grounds that it lacks any religious significance! I cannot imagine that Mr. Moore or any of his supporters would consider that a victory for Christianity or a vindication of their personal faith in God. Yet under current constitutional law, that might well be the only basis on which the monument can receive legal approval. What are devout Christian believers to make of all this? Some thoughts on that in our next and final installment.

and in a later gracEmail he writes:

There can be no doubt that a culture war is underway in our country. Anti-religious forces, personified by the American Civil Liberties Union and other such groups, constantly exploit the legal system to further their values of secularism, pluralism and "diversity," and to drive every trace of our Judeo-Christian heritage from public view. The entertainment industry and much of the media support the same anti-biblical agenda. In the face of all this, what are we as Christian citizens of the United States to think and to do?

First, we should give thanks. Despite all the victories of the secularists, our culture retains more remnants of its biblically-based heritage than that of any other country in the so-called "Christian" world. Second, we should pray -- for our rulers (including those judges who sometimes cause us so much irritation and agony), for revival (of the professing Church, for starters), for unbelievers (especially our cultural opponents). God is still on the throne of the universe and he still answers prayer that is according to his will. Third, we may exercise our democratic privilege of voting, for judges when that is possible and for those at all levels of government who appoint them. Even when they strive for objectivity, judges remain men and women also with opinions, convictions, values and biases. Given the choice, I prefer judges who share my core values and biblical faith.

Fourth, we need to commend our faith to others by our own godly and well-ordered lives (read 1 Peter 1-5 about this). God has commanded us to obey civil authorities -- and that is not conditioned on our liking or agreeing with the law. The time might come when, like the early believers, we have to choose between obeying God and man, and then the choice is clear (Acts 4:18-20). But God has not commanded us to place Ten Commandment monuments in state judicial halls. He did tell his people Israel to post his commandments in their own houses (Deut. 6:6-9). It is possible for us to be so caught up with symbolic public displays of religion that we neglect the place where faith is transmitted best -- our own hearths and homes. Both Old and New Testaments tell us that God really wants to write his laws in our hearts (Jer. 31:33; Heb. 8:10). When that happens, we will preach much without saying a word.

Finally, we need to remember that God's kingdom does not depend on any earthly government for support (John 18:36). Throughout history, Christians have tried to gain political power to support God's kingdom and every such attempt has resulted in dismal failure. That has been true whether we think of Constantine, Calvin or the Christian Coalition. The time is coming when all earthly governments will disappear and God's kingdom will reign from pole to pole (Rev. 11:15). When that happens, it will not be of our doing but of God's. There is a very good reason why we pray: "Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen." (Matt. 6:13.)

© 2003 by Edward Fudge. Unlimited permission to copy without altering text or profiteering is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. For encouragement and spiritual food any time, visit our multimedia website at

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Legitimate empirical Creation science at ICR (Institute for Creation Research)?

Kathleen Parker: Media, darlings, your abortion bias is showing again

She says of the media's negligence to report on McCorvey and Cano's renunciation of abortion:

Whatever these women did or didn't do, they surely were used by savvier sorts for the purpose of securing reproductive control for women. Those of us who were around during those heady days of free love and narcissistic thrall were convinced that the Second Coming could bring no greater news.

The fact that many now think otherwise - based on experience and new evidence provided by advanced technology - is surely worthy of discussion. And of reporting.

The fact that the mainstream media have decided to ignore Cano's case suggests that the media, at least, have made up their collective mind. Once again, it seems, Cano and McCorvey are irrelevant to the larger social "goal" as determined by an elite few.

"The Magnificent 19": Just a group of "peaceful" Muslims honoring those courageous 9/11 terrorists.

Quote of the Week Candidate #2:

"Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson certainly can't afford to be judged by the content of their character." --Thomas Sowell

From "I have a dream" to "I have a $cheme!". MLKJ would have been so proud, guys.

Quote of the Week Candidate #1:

"[O]ne of the problems with our Party is people will say anything
to get to be president of the United States...." --Howard Dean

Um, yeah, Dean. And this comment makes you credible how?

A note from the Federalist to put things in perspective:

Most of the Capitol Hill critters are still on summer break, but
there is one item worth noting. This past weekend, there were
three more murders in Washington, D.C. -- the streets of Baghdad
are still safer than those of our nation's Capital. The District's
strict gun-control laws did nothing to prevent these murders,
especially since two of them were committed with knives.

The Gipper said it well:

"To those who cite the First Amendment as reason for excluding
God from more and more of our institutions every day, I say: The
First Amendment of the Constitution was not written to protect the
people of this country from religious values; it was written to
protect religious values from government tyranny." --Ronald Reagan