Lately, the Supreme Court has tried to appease minorities by ignoring the Constitution's intent and has in turn been hurting the majority as well as our health as a nation.
Case in point: the Supreme's one sentence mandate that Justice Roy Moore remove the 10 Commandments from government property.
The Supreme Court seems to think that religion has no part in government. Boy, are they wrong. You see, our nation, the small 227 year stint that it is, started as a prodigy, a project contingent upon certain elements and would be doomed to fail if these elements were tweaked with or removed. For example, our forefathers strongly believed that if religion was absent from government, our health as a nation would deteriorate, even collapse. Some quotes to prove my point:
"Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their firm basis, a conviction...that these liberties are the gift of God?" --Thomas Jefferson, the author of the infamous phrase 'wall of separation between church and state'
" is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand." --John Adams
"...the longer I live, the more convinced I become that God governs in the affairs of men..." --Benjamin Franklin
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensible." --George Washington
But this is begging the question. Were the founders right? Would our nation erode if morals and religion were abandoned? Several factors seem to indicate they were right:
1. The obvious: our founders established this nation on Christian principles and it
worked. Our democratic project of a nation not only succeeeded, it prospered so that the United States has become more successful, more powerful than any nation ever to habitate the earth. Even more so than the Roman Empire.
2. In order to remove religion from government, the Supreme Court has had to make dumb, nonsensical rulings that stray from Constitutional intent. Whenever these justices ignore the document that binds us all together, they are leading our nation to moral decay, practically begging U.S. citizens to ignore and mock the document which is the source of every freedom we enjoy, every safety we experience, and every shred of order we have in this country.
3. What will serve the place of religion? There exists no true absence of religion. The only substitute is paganry and atheism. These are religions in themselves and have never proved prosperous for any society in history. Rather, they have led to moral and political degredation.